Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it a Boy or Girl

How to Influence the Sex of Your Baby with the Shettles Method - Gender Predictor

You may be able to sway the chances of having a boy or girl by knowing your time of ovulation and knowing some traits of the X and Y sperm. Boy sperm (Y) are long skinny swim fast and died young. Girl (X) sperm are short, fat, swim slow and live the longest. Sperm can live in a woman's fallopian tubes for up to 72 hours. Women produce eggs that are only X. Men produce X or Y sperm. Baby boys result from a XY combinations. Baby girls result from an XX combination.

  1. Keep a calendar of your menstruation cycle.
  2. Using an ovulation test kit (available at your pharmacy near the pregnancy test kits). Determine your ovulation and include this on your calender.
  3. If you want to have a baby boy, you should have intercourse within hours after you ovulate. The male sperm will race up to the egg and fertilize it.
  4. If you want to have a baby girl, you should have intercourse several hours to a day *before* ovulation. Male sperm will race around and kill themselves looking for an egg, leaving the girl sperm sitting around waiting for the egg to come to them.

  • If this is your first child, all you really want is a healthy one, don't bother doing this unless you are young & healthy & your parents have 9 grandsons and are dying for a girl, etc.
  • If you are having fertility issues, don't bother trying this. Have intercourse at your peak fertility. Let mother nature decide.
  • If you have thick mucus during ovulation, sperm can't get through, douche first. Mucus should then be thin, not thick like phlem.


"The Shettles Method of Gender Selection: Timing Intercourse & Sexual Position to Increase the Odds of having a Boy or a Girl"

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